Google Apps Accounts

One sign in, one place in the cloud

You can sign up to Dooster from the Google Apps Marketplace – productivity section here

After adding Dooster to your Google Apps account, the other users in your Google Apps account will automatically be added as Dooster users.

Each user can sync to their Google account. So you can have multiple Dooster users in the same account each syncing to their own Google accounts.

User Permissions / Access Levels

Please note that by default, each user will have Project Manager permissions to every project in your Dooster account.

You can quickly adjust each user’s permissions at any time – they can vary across different projects. (Read more about Dooster’s permission / access levels and how to change them (see here).)

NOTE 1: In some scenarios the other users might not be visible in Dooster until the Google Apps owner (ie the person who added Dooster to their Google Apps account) accesses the app for the first time.

NOTE 2: Syncing of calendars, documents and contacts is not enabled automatically. Users can optionally enable this in the normal way.

NOTE 3: If you want to remove Dooster from your google apps please read about Google apps deletion

Any Problems?

Check Google / Dooster Sync Troubleshooting here

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