How to Create a Comment
Every task in Dooster has a comments section.
To create or respond to a comment:
Open a task and click on the “Comments ” link – see red box below.
This opens the comments box. Start typing and when finished click save.
The comment is now emailed out to everyone involved in the task – the assigned, the task watchers and the Project Managers (unless they have turned off their email alerts (more info)
Also see below re Creating Comments via Email

Who Can Create Comments
Comments can be created by the person who the task is assigned to, the project manager who gave them the task and anyone who is watching the task.
This builds up a thread of comments relating to the task (see below).
While you can change the original text of the task – ie in the text dialog box -, the comments thread is a neater way of tracking opinions and responses.

Comment and task alerts and Creating Comments via Email
When you create a task and assign it to someone they will be automatically notified with an email.
This shows them all the relevant information, so they don’t have to login to Dooster to read it.

If the assigned person responds directly to that email, whatever they say will appear in the comments section of the task
The person who assigned the task, and any “Task Watchers”, will be emailed this comment.
If any of them reply to this notification email this also goes straight into the comments thread…
Everyone else gets an email notification of this latest comment in turn… and so it goes on.
This simple functionality is surprisingly powerful because it means you don’t need to log in to your Dooster to control a task. You can easily handle tasks via your email no matter where you are.
It means that your Team Members never actually need to login to the app. Some people prefer to do things their own way… No matter what you say they won’t change.
With Dooster you can let them continue to do things the way they like – eg via email. Meanwhile you as the manager have a much better overview in a way you didn’t before… Everyone’s happy.
This solves a major problem with introducing new systems: adoption failure by key people.
Everyone stays in the loop.
This makes for better communications and should add to your teams efficiency and effectiveness.
In addition to controlling the comments via email, you can also handle all the comments when logged into Dooster.
When a new comment is made there’s a visual alert in the Task List view – see below

Read more about Dooster Comments and Alerts
How to Create a Comment
Every task in Dooster has a comments section.
To create or respond to a comment:
Open a task and click on the “Comments ” link – see red box below.
This opens the comments box. Start typing and when finished click save.
The comment is now emailed out to everyone involved in the task – the assigned, the task watchers and the Project Managers (unless they have turned off their email alerts (more info)
Also see below re Creating Comments via Email
Who Can Create Comments
Comments can be created by the person who the task is assigned to, the project manager who gave them the task and anyone who is watching the task.
This builds up a thread of comments relating to the task (see below).
While you can change the original text of the task – ie in the text dialog box -, the comments thread is a neater way of tracking opinions and responses.
Comment and task alerts and Creating Comments via Email
When you create a task and assign it to someone they will be automatically notified with an email.
This shows them all the relevant information, so they don’t have to login to Dooster to read it.
If the assigned person responds directly to that email, whatever they say will appear in the comments section of the task
The person who assigned the task, and any “Task Watchers”, will be emailed this comment.
If any of them reply to this notification email this also goes straight into the comments thread…
Everyone else gets an email notification of this latest comment in turn… and so it goes on.
This simple functionality is surprisingly powerful because it means you don’t need to log in to your Dooster to control a task. You can easily handle tasks via your email no matter where you are.
It means that your Team Members never actually need to login to the app. Some people prefer to do things their own way… No matter what you say they won’t change.
With Dooster you can let them continue to do things the way they like – eg via email. Meanwhile you as the manager have a much better overview in a way you didn’t before… Everyone’s happy.
This solves a major problem with introducing new systems: adoption failure by key people.
Everyone stays in the loop.
This makes for better communications and should add to your teams efficiency and effectiveness.
In addition to controlling the comments via email, you can also handle all the comments when logged into Dooster.
When a new comment is made there’s a visual alert in the Task List view – see below
Read more about Dooster Comments and Alerts