Notes about Dmail

Here are a couple of points to note about Dmail.

It is best not to email your Team Members using Dmail because Dmails are assigned to projects not to Team Members.

You’d be better off assigning Team Members a task. This way the task is added to their “workload” in the system and you can see it when you are filtering by their name.

Dmails in a Project are assigned to “anyone” This means that anyone with access to that Project will be able to see them.

Every Dmail you send has the “Reply Expected” defaulted to 24 hours. You can change this at anytime

In the Project / Task List view the Dmail stays as one task – ie regardless of how many replies go back and forth, the thread shows in one task.

However in your Inbox you will see every reply as a separate email.

So the *inbox acts like a standard email inbox**. Wheras the “Dmail as Task” acts as a task with each latest response kept as one task.

It is designed this way to avoid several duplicate tasks building up in task lists – while keeping the inbox behaviour to what you are used to.

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