Our USPs / Where we stand out
Dooster is consistently chosen by people who have taken time to look at all the top tools. Here are a few reasons why...
Team adoption is optional
Very unusually, for apps like these, Dooster does not require total-team-take-up to make a huge difference to your business productivity.
This is partly due to the way we built Dooster to work beautifully with email.
You and your team can create and assign tasks by email and handle a lot of other stuff without ever needing to log in to the app itself.
This makes the app much easier to integrate with your existing way of doing things.
While other apps are taken up with great intentions, sadly they all too often fail the client business because there's always somebody who doesn't want to change their old way of doing things.
With Dooster no big changeover is necessary. Incorporating it into your business is painless.
Almost zero training
It’s so easy and intuitive to use that training takes minutes - for yourself and your people.
Smarter prioritising
Importance vs Urgency settings for more realistic goal setting.
Avoid the overwhelming todo list by easily dividing your outstanding tasks the smart way.
...aka the Eisenhower matrix. “I have two kinds of problems: the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.”
In this way you can identify the tasks you need to focus on and what you can ignore. It helps you to get the truly important stuff done.
Outstanding customer support
You won’t need it often but if and when you do we’re super-responsive and available.
It does what you really need
This app was designed by Ed Parry, a Business Owner to help him manage his own business. Friends and colleagues asked to use it too so he released it to the public.
There are similar apps on the market. Ed had tried them all but none of them really worked for him.
He found that many of these apps have been created by young software guys with limited real-world business experience... or people ideologically tied to specific time management systems. (Due dates are “uncool”? Good luck with that).
Real world businesses love this app - as you can see from the many testimonials.
Proof that it works
A fanatical user base of long standing customers. Retention is extremely high. Most customers stay with us for years.
- Hover states on all key data points for instant insight
- Drill down instantly into the details you need
- Multi-select tools for bulk task handling
- Powerful filters on all overview screens / See what you need
- Very easy to learn/minimal training
- Tooltips/ instant help guides on all features
- Easy task reassigning to people or projects - fast and flexible
- Milestones and simple Gantts to view project progress instantly
- Staff workload/capacity overviews by person and project
- Staff activity overviews / with filters
- Task History / Audit Logs for full accountability
- Use your own logo / branding - impress your clients
Entrepreneurs & Online Business Leaders Trust Dooster
...couldn't wish for a better product...
Tony Byng, The Company Merchant
Support is excellent...so are the low prices
What are You Waiting For?
Start managing your tasks and projects today!
Start managing your work better in just a few minutes. (And please don't worry; we will never sell your email or any data).